Friday 14 October 2011

If I Could...

i miss everything bak abt home .. ma sweet bt nt so ordinary family.. bg bt sweet frenz.. de late night bt night market and food.. early morning classes wd ma bstfren.. spicy bt yummy food. movie on Sunday .. early morning walks on de dusty road.. bikes on de rain .. de summer.. coffee.. shopping .work.. payday( n lodz of good n merry times.. sweet holiday.. Oh! how i wish i want them all back.. if only could only follow ma heart...!!!!

Tuesday 23 August 2011


Runaway train never going back...
some how i just don believe it...

Sunday 7 August 2011


It hurts too much to lie everyday...but what's even more worst and scary is the fear of you being hurt.....

Thursday 2 June 2011


She was rushing out .. in the busy afternoon .. As she rushed, she felt something in the crowd. She turned around. There her heart stopped, she became thoughtless.. no expression on her face .. when she knew she was already following a footsteps. As she moved she got excited.. happiness lit up on her face. She felt Merry, thoughts of happiness came to her mind.. The joyful moments, the first times.. then the times together.. shared moments.. laughter n hugs.. aimless walks.. thoughtful talks.. It all flooded into her mind.. Then the feeling of WOW.. how wonderful that was.. how good was that..!!!
As she too her steeps forward.. She felt gusty, her face frown with dark shadow. She felt sudden hesitation.. All the joys got swept away by the fact she was trying to ignore. Her mind got into dilemma.. The sad moments which she ignored with the fear of hurting herself, the feeling of helplessness when she could not find someone.. the rejection and ignorance. the happiness that did not last long..
As she continued moving forward.. into the crowd.. with much of puzzle in her mind.. she was almost there .. two steps behind.. she rose her hand up.. put out the finger to tap on de shoulder ..hopping for a surprise .. a hello .. a hug .. and acceptance..
But then just an inch away she stopped.. As though froze to the time. Her voice never could sound.. Her eyes filled with water.. Her footsteps become too heavy .. Her vision become blurry. The feeling of despair over ruled the joys... the heart aches were stronger then.. that feeling of strangers even being so close rose again.. she could do nothing but just stop herself.. her heart ache .. mind halt...she closed her eyes .. she felt chills as tears roll down her face . She took a moment and open her eyes..
He had forwarded far beyond her reach.. she could only stand there and watch him move further apart.. he never felt her presence.. never looked back..
Her numbness to the heart made her turn around... Then she started walking back where she was going to..she did never get the answer how they became strangers so fast, once intimate. no question answered just moved forward and hoped to never look back..


As I lay in ma bed.. I just do not understand why cannot I sleep today.
I just think about things that i am just trying to think of..!!
I wonder again what is happening... where is what i want or wanted..!!
I ain't somebody who worries lots about but just live each day as it comes..!!
Then why m I still thinking of tomorrow..
How can i be some one you would always remember me ..
I wanna be there for some one who will thank me for being there..
will my dream come true.. ??
Sorry but I cannot please nobody.. hate those who think I will do so..
I am me .. just wanna be me ... I just wanna be free !!
Wanna open up to the world with a smile ..not with tears..
Wanna see smile on your face too ..and so many more.. more to come.. ma little big mind just keeps on thinking endlessly..for which there is no certain answer.. so stupid of meh!!..

Twitter Updates...!!!

Missing your EX? Don't be. An 'ex' is called an 'ex' because it's an EXample of what you shouldn't have again in the future.

Nothing to do with me!!

Monday 30 May 2011

Twitter Updates...!!!

"Guys fall in love with what girls look like. Girls fall in love with what guys say. That's why, girls wear makeup & guys lie."

Aow!!! really.. a good thought... hummm.

Saturday 28 May 2011


OMG .. so so sleepy .. not able to do anything .. seems like i have been working hard.. hahaha..!!! [So so not like me (@_@) ]. How many times have i really dozed off just now?[So like me... (¬_¬)..Aw.. What?] Never mind.. Just going to sleep now in some time.. Its Saturday .. no off and then its raining and windy.... what will happen to me .. hahahhahaha!!! most probably will spend all day in bed checking things online on the phone every time i wake up.. lol (*.*)....
What ever it is hope it will be good and my mind will think of something useful .hope everyone have good day ...
LAZY MEH..aie..($_$)!!!

Later to the updates..!!!

Friday 27 May 2011

Twitter Updates...!!!

"People say "U don't know what u have til its gone" But really, the truth is we know what we had, we just didn't think we would ever lose it"

So true.....

Thursday 26 May 2011

Twitter Updates...!!!

"Too much sweetness in a relationship leads to a diabetic heart that's so hard to heal when wounded"

No idea what too sweetness is .. but for sure when it all ends it all is too sour. :)

Monday 23 May 2011

10 minutes ride....

I almost always need to book a taxi to work.. coz m stupidly lazy to take up driving lessons.. hahaha.. so ironic of me .. i simply will hab to work an extra shift to pay de bills.. hahahha.. really not so funny.. but its interesting ..(*_¬)...

They (drivers) always ask me where are you from ..?
i go ..Nepal ....
Is that near china..?
I go .. yeh between India and China.. #
good ..half of them really don know where does that place is really geographically .. den goes..
Going for work?
What time will you finish?
8 in the morning...
long night then .. like your work..!!
I go .. Oh yeh! i have good people working for me .. its good shift if i have no trouble .. ( hahaha .. nt really funny..)
and so on ... and so on ..
But it is also interesting to hear about their stories..
Most of the time they say ... Have you been to Thailand..? its beautiful country.
oh yeh it is .. i go .. i have been there .. its nice,,.. and so on..
What amazes me is .. they work for a year or more and save for holiday for jus 5 to 7 days. and they are so excited and look forward to it..
One gentleman .. booked a surprise trip to New York with his girlfriend for 4 days. He plan to propose her there on Valentines day .. a total surprise for her.. He was really looking forward to it. Hope she said Yes' and they had lovely holiday.
Itz nice to hear stories as such in that very short time ..
Sometimes though there are people who does not speak a word.. but then wt can you do .. wait until u reach de destination..
Hope i will get to hear something interesting tonight... Lets see..

Twitter Updates..!!!

"Too many people buy things they don't need, with money they don't have, trying to impress people they don't even like. "

really thinking about it ... sure thing i must be doing 1st part of it .. how about the last one ,,, don like think i do care about people i don like.. nor do i think of impressing some one... Awoo.. Cheeky... but like it.. @_@....